Monday, March 30, 2009

Sick Baby

Nick has been sick since Friday. This is how he has spent most of the last four days. Poor Baby!


The Oliver's said...

Ohh no...poor baby boy! That is NO fun. Hope he's on the mend SOON!

Maisy said...

Oh, Julie. Obviously, we both are having sad babies. :( I'm so sorry. I hope Nick feels better soon. Owen has been getting over 102 temps today. Is Nick getting temps too? The nurse says it might last another whole day. He just today has eaten about a quarter cup of mashed potatoes, and about 3 or 4 teaspoons of applesauce. But, it's hard to keep the liquids going....he doesn't seem to want to drink stuff. (I tried homemade pedialye. He wasn't that enthused.) "Sigh."

CP said...

Ah, poor Nicky! Hope he feels better soon.

Julie said...

Still puking and pooping and whining and laying on the floor all pathetic like. It's been 5 days now. I'd love to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Maisy said...

I'm so sorry. Owen puked again this morning, but he is getting better overall. Hugs to you and that sweet little boy of yours. Hang in there.

queen said...

Oh noes: that is sad. I hope he feels better soon. I hate being sick and I feel so bad for Dubs when he's under the weather. Feel good soon, Nick!