Friday, March 13, 2009

Pay It Forward (Spring Pick-Me-Up Contest)

I follow several blogs, and one of them that I find particularly amusing is Swistle. She puts into words the things that many of us think in our heads, but don't articulate so well. Sometimes she hosts little contests on her blog and rewards the winner with neat little prizes. Most recently, I guessed the right birthdate of her beautiful new neice and won a fantastic package, which included the darling monkey apron and chef hat you see Nicky modeling, above. I was so inspired by the great feeling I got by opening my little surprise and checking out all of its neat contents, that I thought I should "pay it forward," so to speak. So with Swistle as my inspiration, I've collected a number of Swistle-inspired gifties (at rock bottom clearance prices, in true Swistle fashion) and would like to have a little contest of my own. Here's what you do to enter:
Leave a comment on this post, telling me why you want a little spring pick-me-up care package, and I'll randomly draw a winner's name out of Nick's Leprechaun hat on St. Paddy's day. Included in your package will be the items shown below, among other fun things. Perhaps it will inspire you to "pay-it-forward" will a little act of kindness yourself!

Swistle is starting a cloth napkin revolution! Join her with this set of 12 colorful napkins and coordinating napkin rings!

Swistle gets her morning started right with fresh-brewed coffee, doctored up with sweet stuff. These adorable mugs are just the right size for sipping espresso or an after-dinner drink. The candy cookbook will appeal to your sweet tooth.
Bakedy things. YUM! Swistle shares a lot of her favorite recipes for comfort foods. Keep them organized with these cute recipe cards and box.
Swistle likes ribbons and gifty things, especially on clearance! Also, she would enjoy this purse-sized photo album to display pictures of her five beautiful children.


Barb said...

I love Swistle, too! I'm having a baby (he's due in 13 days) so I'd love a little springtime package to help me wait for his arrival!

Tiffany said...

Such a cute apron! And I'm not just saying that to win! : )

distracted by genius said...

Adorable prize gifties! I found you via Swistle and have been feeling like I really need to win something lately because my luck has been pretty terrible this winter.

Michelle said...

I also found you via Swistle. I find you amusing and will be RSSing you.

I would like to have my name in the Leprechaun hat on St. Patty's Day. Also, you ribbon looks like lots of fun -- mmmm... ribbon.

Cheryl888 said...

I found you through Swistle and I'd love the pick me up's been so dreary here lately with the winter weather, I could use some spring happiness!

Katie @ Chronicles of KT said...

I would love a little spring pick me up because the weather has been so dreary lately annnd my birthday is in spring si itll be a fun little spring pick me up/ birthday surprise :)

Bethtastic said...

Holy cow! What awesome, awesome prizes!

I could use a Spring pick me up, because I live in Nebraska. And while I like it here. It's really dang cold, and Spring never actually arrives until the middle of May. Ever. :)

Oh, and I'm a red-head, and my favotire color is green, so St. Patrick's Day is one of my most favorite days of the year!! YAY!!

CP said...

Another Swistle fan here!

I'm not sure I actually have as good of a reason as some others but I am just wiped out lately- tired, exhausted, worn out. A pick me up wout be great!

Michelle said...

Well, other than the fact that I need a pick me up after discovering that the package included that OH SO COOL monkey apron that I'm not drooling over... I'll go with the I work three days a week at a job and have the wee ones home two days a week but lately have been working all five days and more on the 30-35 hours a week, which is so hard for the wee ones and for me and trying to get everything in. Plus, one of my best friends just miscarried again, and she needs something fun so I'd have to share with her.

Swati said...

Spring pick me up? That sounds about right for me - kid unwell, a new school, new timings, domestic management in disarray, PMS, general depression, arguments and fights, blog left unattended, heating up weather: do you really need more reasons?

Unknown said...

Ooooh, I could use a pick me up - my second baby is about to arrive and I'm feeling rather terrified at the moment.

Claire said...

Swistle is one of my FAVORITE people I do not know in real life. But I'm convinced if we met we'd be BFF.
It is rainy and drizzly here and I need a spring pick me up to boost my spirits. Thanks for paying it forward!

jird said...

Oh, what a great package! I would love a spring pick me up package because those napkins are so bright and springy, just the picture makes me happy. Plus winter has been way too long and I'm losing my job at the end of the month and whine whine whine. And doesn't everyone deserve a pick me up?

And I love Swistle, too.

Unknown said...

swistle sent me too. let's see . . . i could use a spring pick-me-up because i just had to say good-bye to a good friend who came for a visit and now my world seems a little emptier and lonelier. but i love a fun package . . .


CAQuincy said...

You rock! Add me to the list of folks who need a pick-up after all these months of dark, dreary winter! And napkin rings! Swistle had definitely got me intrigued!

Shelly said...

I would love to win a spring pick-me-up package and I would host a pay it forward contest on my blog to keep it going! All of that stuff is super cute!

Jen said...

ooh ah, cloth napkins...pick me!

i'm going into a hellish time at work, have picked up too much freelance on top of it and my toddler is cutting 4 (FOUR!) molars at once. have mercy.

(here via swistle - will be back!)

Laura Diniwilk said...

Is it too late to enter? Pick me, I'm suffering from serious morning/noon/night sickness and could use a pick me up!

Janean Lindner said...

Very cool - who would not love to win just about "anything"? xoxo