Monday, March 30, 2009

Sick Baby

Nick has been sick since Friday. This is how he has spent most of the last four days. Poor Baby!

Friday, March 27, 2009

We'll Miss You, Grandma Carrier

Here is a picture of Tim's Grandma Carrier. This was taken shortly after Nick was born on his first visit to her house. Grandma always loved babies. Sadly, Grandma passed away early this morning. She missed Grandpa Carrier so much, and I know she was ready to go, I'm just not sure the rest of us were ready. Grandma always made me feel like I was one of her grandkids, not just a grand-kid-in-law. I liked her from the time I met her and grew more fond of her each year. She'll be missed by all of us.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

AND THE WINNER IS............

CP of 3 Giraffes! Wow - what a fun little contest! Thanks to all of you who left a comment. This is new territory for me, and what I learned is that it's hard to only be able to give away one prize! I mean, you all seem nice and deserving, and I wish I could send you all a little something, but I'm afraid that would break the bank! Thank goodness for random drawings, because I would never have been able to pick if it were left up to my sole discretion.

Thanks again, Swistle, for the great idea! You are an inspiring lady!

CP, I will be in contact with you shortly to find out shipping information and will make sure to stuff your care package as full as I can!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Pay It Forward (Spring Pick-Me-Up Contest)

I follow several blogs, and one of them that I find particularly amusing is Swistle. She puts into words the things that many of us think in our heads, but don't articulate so well. Sometimes she hosts little contests on her blog and rewards the winner with neat little prizes. Most recently, I guessed the right birthdate of her beautiful new neice and won a fantastic package, which included the darling monkey apron and chef hat you see Nicky modeling, above. I was so inspired by the great feeling I got by opening my little surprise and checking out all of its neat contents, that I thought I should "pay it forward," so to speak. So with Swistle as my inspiration, I've collected a number of Swistle-inspired gifties (at rock bottom clearance prices, in true Swistle fashion) and would like to have a little contest of my own. Here's what you do to enter:
Leave a comment on this post, telling me why you want a little spring pick-me-up care package, and I'll randomly draw a winner's name out of Nick's Leprechaun hat on St. Paddy's day. Included in your package will be the items shown below, among other fun things. Perhaps it will inspire you to "pay-it-forward" will a little act of kindness yourself!

Swistle is starting a cloth napkin revolution! Join her with this set of 12 colorful napkins and coordinating napkin rings!

Swistle gets her morning started right with fresh-brewed coffee, doctored up with sweet stuff. These adorable mugs are just the right size for sipping espresso or an after-dinner drink. The candy cookbook will appeal to your sweet tooth.
Bakedy things. YUM! Swistle shares a lot of her favorite recipes for comfort foods. Keep them organized with these cute recipe cards and box.
Swistle likes ribbons and gifty things, especially on clearance! Also, she would enjoy this purse-sized photo album to display pictures of her five beautiful children.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


We have a fire rescue sticker for our cats on the front window. Nick just discovered that he can see his reflection on the back side of it.

Pizza At Grandma's House

Grandma Carrier let the kids make their own pizzas at her house. Nick got very excited about the whole thing and ended up putting his face right on the pizza to have a little try before it went in the oven.

Soup's On!

Look at my little Chef! He makes his mother proud!

Friday, March 06, 2009

Best Friends

Nick tries to share everything with Abby, from food and beverage to books and toys. She's usually a very good sport about it. Niles, not so much.

Apparantly, He Must Have Been Hot.

I don't remember why, but Nick was briefly unclothed, and decided that was a good time to grab a snack and some TV. Note the stategically placed foot, which keeps this picture PG!

Look - Mommy's Taking My Picture!

Wednesday, March 04, 2009