Friday, November 21, 2008

My First Christmas

I'm the little one in the back row. I think my brother, Tim, (green overalls in the front row) looks a bit like Nicky.


Maisy said...

Yes, I think Nick does look a little bit like Tim. How cool! Did you notice that we ALL are wearing PANTS????? LOLOLOL I thought that was funny!

The Oliver's said...

OMG!! he DOES Julie! LOL on Janet's comment on you all wearing pants!

Julie said...

Yeah - its funny. There are a few pictures when we were young where the girls had pants on. But I can't remember ever being allowed to wear them. I think that rule went into place when I was very young or something. Angela, FYI, Janet is the redhead in the front with the pony-tails and glasses. How cute is she?!

Opus #6 said...

Sweet family!

Scates Family said...

What a neat photo! I love the photos that you have been putting on the blog.
