Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Civic Duty

Nick voted today - did you?
But don't ask him who he voted for. It makes him cranky. (Rumour has it that he wrote in "Mommy" for president and Niles for VP. Brilliant.)


Maisy said...

Yes! We did! We went at 8:00am, and nobody was in line before us. They also had free doughnut holes and coffee. Owen flirted with the volunteers, and we got to see our duplex neighbors too! And we both got stickers! Daddy went before work, and had to stand in line about a half an hour.
Lots of people are having election night parties to wait out the votes. I think that sounds fun. But, no matter what happens, I think some people who don't get their candidate might need therapy. LOL As in....the world won't exactly end no matter who wins the election.

Julie said...

I didn't get doughnuts. But I didn't have to wait, either. I went around 10:00 a.m. I found out when I got into the booth that our neighbor was on the ballet for local library trustee. I voted for him.