Saturday, July 02, 2011

The Best Pet Ever

All pets are special. But some come along and attach to your heart in such a connected way that they truly become a part of your family. My kitty Niles was my favorite cat ever. From the minute he came home, he was a one person cat, and that was me. Sure, he might give other people a brief glance or abbreviated snuggle, but he really had no use for anyone but his mama. When he was a little baby kitty, he could jump three times his height to catch toys and he loved to play and stalk animals outside our windows. He was a beautiful Oriental Shorthair show cat that had the softest fur ever. Like touching the plushest velvet you ever felt. And when he kneaded his paws on my lap and purred, he had the loudest, most tiger like hum ever. I loved that cat. He was the best pet ever. Sadly, he developed cancer over the last couple years and he left us yesterday, on July 1. He was 13 years old. I will miss him so much. We love you Niles! Give Chloe' a hug for us!

1 comment:

Maisy said...

So sad, Julie. It is so obvious that Niles had a special place in your heart. (Hugs)