Sunday, June 21, 2009


Our friends John & Steph gave Nick this Jeep that their son Teddy outgrew. Nick loves it.

He's not a very good driver, as it turns out. He hit this tree a couple times.

He finally got the hang of keeping the gas peddle pressed down so he could go fast. But we really need to work on steering.


Maisy said... seems they lower the age of driving every year. YIKES! This was quick. Did he get in his parental guided driving hours already?????

Julie said...

Not as funny as you'd think - last night Nick got into Grandpa's golf cart and took it for a spin by himself. He made about three full circles on the grass before Tim reached him and stopped the cart. It almost sent my sister-in-law into labor.

The Oliver's said...

TOO FUNNY!!! Loved those pictures and your comments about the golf cart incident!

Maisy said...

Oh my GOODNESS! Julie, I bet Tim was a little ruffled too. Goodness. Well....apparently, Nick is pretty brave. lol

Ryan said...

All I can say is wow, Julie. That is so cool.

Julie said...

Which part is cool, Ryan? The Jeep, or the story about Nick taking off with the Golf Cart? The Golf Cart incident gave me a total heart attack.