Sunday, May 17, 2009

A Day in the Life of Nick

Just waking up.

Breakfast in the den.

Playing with Wedgits.

Lounging with an afternoon beverage.

Reading nighttime books.


Ryan said...

Dude, those wedgits are way cool! What a great idea for stacking.

Maisy said...

It's so fun to see these kinds of posts. Maybe I should do a day in the life of Owen....It really gives a neat perspective into their lives. I love the one of him lounging with his afternoon beverage. hee hee.

queen said...

Love the gang signs!

Just kidding. What a cutie!

Julie said...

Wedgits are the best toys ever. He spends lots of time with them, and Tim likes playing with them, too! You should check them out on Ebay. I think they are one of those toys like legos that they'll play with til they're like, 10.