Sunday, May 31, 2009

First Ice Cream Cone

Here's Nick, all dressed up and ready to go to Grandma's birthday party. Unfortunately, he threw up all over himself on the way there, and we turned around and went back home. Daddy went to the party, we stayed home and watched Noggin.
Nick has had ice cream lots of times, but I don't think he's ever eaten it off a cone. He liked it.

Just Some Cute Pictures of Nick In No Particular Order

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Pool & Play Date

Nick's girlfriend Izzy came over for a playdate last week. They had so much fun, they can't wait to do it again. Unfortunately, it's been raining all week, so we've been stuck inside.

Nick's first plunge into the pool was a cold one, but it didn't seem to stop him from going in again and again.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

A Day in the Life of Nick

Just waking up.

Breakfast in the den.

Playing with Wedgits.

Lounging with an afternoon beverage.

Reading nighttime books.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Proud Moment

I went to Bloomington to watch my sister Laura's commencement from Indiana University. It was a real pleasure to watch her receive her PhD after so many years of personal sacrifice and hard work. A less determined and gifted person never could have done it. I also think it was a nice Mother's Day gift. What more could you want then to have your son be able to witness such a proud moment?! Congratulations, Laura!

Adjusting, the gown....

Wind issues....

Finally, Just right!