Friday, April 24, 2009

Zoobidy Zoo!

Seventy five degrees and sunny - what else could we do but go to the zoo? The Tigers were my favorites. In the Arctic exhibit, Nicky got to leave his handprints on the ice wall. The seals were probably his favorite - I think he would've stood there forever if we'd let him. They could swim over top of the visitors which made for an interesting view.

I had no idea Rhinoceroses were so big. In every respect. Nick really enjoyed himself, but he walked the whole three hours and by the end he was pooped. What a good day at the zoo!

Monday, April 20, 2009


Nick enjoyed his first ever egg hunt on Easter morning. His eggs were full of M&M's and Smarties and puzzle pieces. He thought it was great fun!

Later that day, we went over to Uncle Jeff and Aunt Jennifer's house for Easter dinner. Nick hit it off with his little buddy, Maddy. Aren't they just adorable in their Easter best?

Tim provided entertainment, which went over well with the two of them, who ran circles around him until he got tired of playing the toy guitar.

Nick's Birthday (Finally!)

We finally got a chance to celebrate Nick's birthday on Easter Sunday. He got some great new clothes and toys, and a special Dora the Explorer Cake!

My Newest Neice

Here's my new little neice, Ashley Clare Carrier. Isn't she just precious? Congratulations, Jeff & Jennifer!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

2 Year Pictures

Nick got his 2 year pictures taken today. Although there were a few pouty moments, overall, he was much more cooperative than I anticipated and we got some really nice shots. My beautiful boy is so handsome!

Thursday, April 09, 2009

Why Is It Still Snowing?

Nick is getting cabin fever, just like Mommy.

So, what do you do on snowy days? You chill on your beanbag / slide and hold onto Dora and watch cartoons.

Sunday, April 05, 2009

Dragon Cake

I made this cake for a 4 year old boy named Jack. It was supposed to be a dragon, but when the little boy got there, he said that, no, after all, he had wanted a dinosaur cake, not a dragon. So, the cake became a Pterodactyl, and then he loved it. Note the candles in the dragon's nose. When lit, they will look like he's breathing fire.