Friday, December 05, 2008


This is a picture of Nick with Santa last year. Note the look of absolute terror in his eyes. We were hoping that he would outgrow it by this year, but I'm not too optomistic about the photo op, since every time we walk past a statue of Santa in a store or in our house he exhibits a similar look, accompanied by a series of whimpers.


Maisy said...
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Maisy said...

Sorry about that...just wanted to modify my post, but don't know how to do that without deleting it. "Sigh."
Anyway, I hope that Nicholas won't feel too worried. Maybe you can get Tim to dress up a little bit at a time while Nick watches. If he thinks it's funny, you might be able to get him with Tim! Hee Hee.
We've not done the Santa thing with Owen yet this year. He doesn't have anything cute to wear yet. Gonna half to shop. "Sigh."