Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Christmas With The Wager Family

This is my oldest brother, Hazen's family. His three kids are all grown up and he now has five grandsons!

Nick got to play with his cousins. Laya was a great block builder. Nick was great at knocking them down.
Aunt Lisa brought Christmas stickers for all the kiddos to make pictures. Miss Betty was a great helper!

Friday, November 21, 2008

My First Christmas

I'm the little one in the back row. I think my brother, Tim, (green overalls in the front row) looks a bit like Nicky.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Uh - What Ya Got There, Dad?

It's getting harder to hide our treats from Nick. He's a lot smarter these days, and he's onto us like mold on cheese. Turns out, he has a sweet tooth. Who would have thought? Ice cream is one of his favorites, just like Mommy and Daddy.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

My Family

I've been scanning my dad's old photos to digital format and I just love all the baby pictures I'm finding. Shown here, from youngest to oldest, are me and my sisters and brothers and Mom and Dad.

Julie Elaine

Timothy George

Phillip Roy

Joanne Marie

Janet May

Laura Beth

Lisa Anne

Hazen Lee

Ramona Anne Markham (My Mom)

Donald Lee Wager (My Dad)


Nick really gets into a zone when he's building. On this particular day we managed to use all of his legos in one spectacular building.

Mommy's Helper

Thursday, November 06, 2008

More Hair (Or Less, Actually)

We went to Carnival Cuts today. Nick has never had his hair cut, other than a little trim here and there at home. At first he was intrigued by the firetruck and the Dora the Explorer video.

But the minute the hairstylest touched him, it all went south. He pretty much clung to me the whole time.
Okay, so maybe it wasn't the best haircut he'll ever have, but we got out of there with no blood and a lot less hair. Doesn't he look like a big boy with his short hair?

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Civic Duty

Nick voted today - did you?
But don't ask him who he voted for. It makes him cranky. (Rumour has it that he wrote in "Mommy" for president and Niles for VP. Brilliant.)

Monday, November 03, 2008


Nick's recent favorite activity is to put together puzzles. He's quite good at it. He especially likes this barn puzzle with different animals hiding under the pieces. He's such a little smartie!

Sunday, November 02, 2008

My Little Ferocious Tiger!

Getting ready to trick or treat was, well, tricky. We had to distract Nick with crackers in a 3-person tag-team effort in order to paint on his nose and whiskers. So, they probably aren't as realistic as they could have been.
Getting Nick to stand still for a picture was harder than putting on the face paint.

We borrowed Grandma and Grandpa Carrier's golf cart and tricked-or-treated around their neighborhood. Nick caught onto the concept pretty quickly - he wouldn't let anyone else carry his candy bucket and he wasn't in it for the pleasantries. He was just on a mission to get candy. By next year, he'll be a pro.