Wednesday, August 27, 2008

So Tired

Franklin put him to sleep.


Maisy said...

Shhhhhhhh! Hope Nick got in a LONG nap!
Aunt Janet

Scates Family said...

I can not believe how fast time goes! Nick is so cute! Malachi is starting 1st grade next week. Javan will be starting preschool in a few weeks too! They are on a bike ride with Michael right now. Jeremiah and Nathanael are hanging out with mommy. Nathanael was 4 months old yesturday! We miss you!
Love Sarah

Julie said...

1st grade?! No way. He must be so excited! Next year Javan will be off to kindergarten. Time does march on. I miss you guys, too. It has been an unusually crazy summer. I'm actually looking forward to fall so that maybe things will settle down a little bit.