Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Nick and Nate at McDonald's

Yummy! Ice Cream!

I'm ready to go home!

Hugs - Whether You Want Them Or Not!

Nicky invited some school friends to McDonald's on his birthday to play. He is quite the little hugger, (more so than some of his friends) but he wanted to make sure they all knew he was glad they came!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Happy Birthday Nick!

My big boy is FOUR! Such a sweet little guy. I love him so much more each day. He has truly enriched the last four years of my life. Happy Birthday, baby Bean!
He loved reading each birthday card.

His new bike was a big hit!
Grandma and cousin Ashley sharing a snuggle.
No - I didn't make the cake, but I'll give a shout out to the Sweet and Savory bakery in Oxford that has the best buttercream and chocolate mousse ever!

Oops, only blew out one of them...

Stuffing our faces with cake and ice cream.

Nick and Maddy got to paint a little after everyone else went home.

They are sweethearts, aren't they?

Maddy had a darling hair do for the occasion.

Tim, Nathan, and cousin Natalie in matching jammies.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Golf, Anyone?

Nicky - 17 months old:
Nathan - 16 months old.

Sitting in the race track, reading books with my toes.

Speak no evil...
It's in the bag!

Just hanging out, watching a show.

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Crazy Kids

Love this picture of my big boy!
Moon Sand. Thank you for the thoughtful gift, Aunt Carol! They clearly love it!

Going for a ride....
