Tuesday, August 31, 2010

YUM! Pizza Crust!

Nathan loves his carbs! That's how he keeps his thighs so shapely. I love the way he hooks his toes onto his booster seat tray. Adorable!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

My Three Boys

Nicky at his first Detroit Tigers Game!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Baby Rolls

Nicky at nine months. Notice he's crawling.

Nathan at nine months weighs 18 pounds and 5 oz. Nicky weighed 17 pounds and 3 oz. when he was this age, but was half an inch taller. So, Nathan's a wee bit chubbier...

First Bath Together

The boys both thought is was fun to share the tub. Nick especially enjoyed squirting Nathan with the pirate ducky.

Monday, August 09, 2010

Nine Months Old!

I think I have the smiliest, happiest, most good-natured baby ever. At nine months, Nathan is delighted to be anyone's friend, and rewards the slightest attention with the world's biggest smile. He doesn't sit quite as still anymore, though, so its harder to get good pictures...

Saturday, August 07, 2010

Visit to Carmel

We took a brief visit to Carmel, Indiana. The public library is really nice. It has sculptures all over the place. This chair is made of all the letters of the alphabet.
Nick got to watch the chef make his pizza when we went out to lunch.

Alex enjoyed a rootbeer. He is so cute and is ready to start junior high next week!

Loons Game

I attended my 20th high school class reunion last weekend. One of the events was a Minor League Loons baseball game. It was Nick's first sporting event and although he didn't really pay attention to the game, he had a fun time.

Katie is one of my high school friends daughters. She and Nicky are buddies.

Nathan looks little on this big bed, doesn't he? Very comfy pillows.