Sunday, April 25, 2010

Shopping Date with Izzy

We went to an outdoor mall with our friends, Adrienne & Izzy and Grandma Angela. Nick is in love with Izzy, as you can see from these pictures.

However, Izzy, being the big almost 4-year old that she is, is far too mature to give him the time of day. So, he just follows her around and tries to hug her or get her to play with him.
Nick liked rolling down the hills in the outdoor common areas.
Izzy paused for a moment to let me take her picture. She's such a pretty little girl.

More Nick and Nate

Nathan was really interested in the video on my Ipod.
Who me? I didn't do it!
Nick and Nate snuggling with Dad.

Nick being a cool dude.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Five Months Old!

Visit to Carmel

Nick, Nathan and I visited Carmel, Indiana last week. It was Alex's spring break, and since Laura had to work, we traveled down to keep him company. Nick and Alex had a good time together. We spent some time at the Indianapolis Children's Museum, which is a really cool place. There were lots of hands-on things for kids to do. They had a cool dinosaur exhibit and a Star Wars exhibit with actual costumes worn in the films. There was a Bob the Builder display where they got to play with hammers and nails. There was even water and sand play. Nathan slept through it all. Nicky didn't want to leave!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Sports Fans

Nicky, about 5 months old.
Nathan, about 5 months old.

Easter Sunday

Nick's first Easter, (2 weeks old).
Nathan's first Easter, (5 months old).

Nick's 4th Easter, (He had two in his first year).

Saturday, April 03, 2010

Wow Wow! Nicky Had A Party!

We had a few people over for Nicky's birthday. Here is his Wow Wow Wubbzy cake, before we put the candles in.
Grandma, Nicky and Nathan, after we put the candles in.

Grandma Carrier, enjoying a snuggle with Nathan.

Nathan really got into the party mood.
My friend Dawn made these Wubbzy cookies. Doesn't she do a great job? They are delicious, too.
Ice cream cones all around. Cookies and cream for Nicky.
Time to blow out the candles. Everyone pitched in.
Maddy is a great helper. She was so nice to help Nick with his gifts!