Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Guitar Lesson

Tim and I are making an effort to make sure that Nick is well educated in the arts. So far this consists of watching Coldplay videos, (which Nick has a strange addiction to and asks for over and over, particularly "Viva La Vida" which you can see in the background) and Tim showing him his guitar. Ya gotta start somewhere :)

Nathan Modeling a Variety of Cutting Edge Fashions

My Boys, Slim and Chubby

Friday, January 08, 2010

Two Months Old!

Don't blink, or you'll miss it! My boy is already two months old! He's up to 10 pounds and 10 ounces - he's gained over 4 pounds since he was born! He's just so adorable and sweet!

Nick was a big help while I was trying to take pictures.....

Nathan was tired out after the photo shoot.


My chubby baby smiles now. It's cute. Especially when his dimples show up!

I Love This Kid

We decided to make cupcakes to perk up on a dull evening.

Here Nick is waiting impatiently for the cupcakes to bake.

Nick got mad at me about something and stomped upstairs to his room. I checked on him a few minutes later and he had fallen asleep on the floor with his books for a pillow. In case you're wondering, the books were, "If You Give a Moose a Muffin" and "If You Give a Cat A Cupcake." He's so darn cute.

Saturday, January 02, 2010

Christmas at the Carrier's

Nathan - just hanging out.
Aunt Carol and Baby Nathan.

Grandma Carrier & Baby Nathan.

Gary & Little Natalie.

Jeff and Jen's crew, Andrew, Adam, Aaron & Ashley

Maddy & Natalie, Aaron & Ashley in their Christmas jammies.
Jennifer and Ashley. Look at her pretty bow!

Amy and Natalie.
Maddy & Nicky playing hockey. Looks like an intense competition!
Nick stealing a kiss from Maddy.

We went to Tim's parents' house on Christmas night. Nick really enjoyed playing with Maddy, his cousin. The food was great and the gifts and good cheer were abundant!

Big Brother's Bean Bag

I guess we'll need to get a second bean bag.

Christmas Morning

Nick kinda got the hang of the Christmas thing this year. His favorite presents, by far, were the candy canes that magically appeared on the tree and the candy in his stocking. Nathan slept through most of the festivities.