Monday, December 14, 2009

Wednesday, December 09, 2009

One Month Old!

How can it be possible?! My newest little baby is 1 month old already! Stop the clock!

Sunday, December 06, 2009

Christmas Cookies

Nick and I mixed, cut and baked Christmas Cookies. He's really starting to enjoy helping me in the kitchen. He ate a lot of cookie dough.

Polar Express

Great Lakes Crossing has a Santa display based on the movie, The Polar Express. Nick just got this movie and he seems to really like it. So we took him to see Santa. There were a series of snowglobes with scenes from the movie. You could push buttons and pull levers to make train whistle noises and hear music from the film. You could also stand inside one of the snowglobes and get snowed on. There was even a guy there playing the conductor. He was really into the role, too. At the end they got a golden train ticket. It was pretty neat.

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Thanksgiving Jammies

Thanksgiving found us all under the weather, but what a good excuse to hang out in our pajamas, right? Nick had fun decorating the Christmas Tree. He's really starting to get into the whole Holiday swing of things.