Saturday, July 25, 2009

New Neice

This is our newest neice, Natalie Kay Carrier. Isn't she a doll? Congratulations, Gary & Amy!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Pirate Ship

Nick spent lots of time climbing on the pirate ship. He got really good at it by the end of the week.

Here he is, following Demi. He loves the ladies!

Porthole Pics



High School Friends

I met my friends, Jennifer, Lisa and Neva at Boone's in Sutton's Bay. I haven't seen any of them in almost 20 years. It was fun! I hope we do it again soon.
My high school friend Lisa has a family cottage in Sutton's Bay. She visited us with her kids at Fountain Point. They were all such nice boys and girls and they adored Nick.

Lake Michigan Shoreline and Sleeping Bear Dunes

Fountain Point 2009

We enjoyed another trip to Fountain Point at Lake Leelanau. Nick got to run around to his heart's content.
Nick took a bath in the sink. It was a tight fit.

Tim, Teddy, TJ & Nick played a little baseball.
Nick met a new friend, Demi. She's 6 years old and he followed her all over the place. It was really cute.

Nick, Addison & Grayson

I got to see my dear friend Angela for a couple hours while she was visiting from Texas. We went to Partridge Creek and the kiddos got to run around in the fountains a bit. The visit was short, but I was so happy to see her and her beautiful children.

Monday, July 06, 2009

Huckleberry Railroad & Crossroads Village

We went to Huckleberry Railroad and Crossroads Village on Sunday. We took a train ride - here's a picture of the caboose.

Nick and Tim enjoyed a turn-of the century carousel ride with a ferris wheel chaser that left Tim a little sick. But Nick wanted to go again!
We climbed around on an old stagecoach.
Nick seemed to enjoy the day, but was pretty tired by the time we left.