Monday, June 30, 2008

Car Wash

Nick helped Daddy wash the car. He had to run fast to not get hosed!
Dad - I think you missed a spot...
I'm all wet!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Holy Cow! Did You See That?!

Earning My Keep

Nicholas loves to help sort laundry. He takes all his clothes out of the basket and then puts them all back in, one at a time. We figure it can't hurt to get him started on household tasks early - after all, he needs to earn his keep!

Helping Daddy

When we got home from Stanton, Tim went outside to clean up all the downed branches and leaves from the recent storms we've been having. Nick decided ot help out. Nick thought the leaves and sticks were very interesting.
But mostly he just wanted to run around. He loves being outside and when he is, he just takes off. It tires me out!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Visit to Grandpa's House

We drove to Stanton over the weekend and spent the night at my dad's house. Nicholas got to play with uncle Hazen - they seemed to hit it off. Hazen taught Nick how to shake his head "no." Thanks, Hazen!
Nick checked out Grandpa Wager's boat. He seemed to like it at first.
Grandpa, Nick and Daddy posed so nicely. It was a beautiful sunny day.
But it all went south after they put on the life jackets and left the dock. Nick didn't like the boat ride at all!

Go Tigers!

The Tigers put me to sleep, too.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Escape Artist

My sister Joanne and her family visited us for a couple of days. We tried to get a nice picture of all the cousins together, but someone wouldn't cooperate. Remember those days when Nick would just sit there and smile for the camera? Well, those days are gone. From left to right, Alex, Lizzie, Elaina, Emily, and Nicholas.


In case you ever wondered, this is what hair looks like if you run your fingers through it after eating spaghetti. It's like eating dinner and getting free hair gel at the same time!

Sleeping Boys

Nicholas and Alexander had fun together, but they were very tuckered by the end of the day. Look at these peaceful little cuties taking a snooze!