Wednesday, January 30, 2008

All In A Day's Work

Nick likes to move the barstools around. He uses them like a little walker. It's a lot of work, though. Mommy and Nick needed a nap. (Mostly Mommy). Abby is always up for a little snooze, so she joined us.

I Can Do It

Nick can now successfully get the rings on his little wooden stacker. He is very proud of himself!

Friday, January 25, 2008

Ten Months Old

Take One...Take Two...Take Three...

Okay - so its getting pretty hard to take pictures of Nicholas because he doesn't sit still for more than 1 second unless he's strapped down. Here are some of his 10 month out-takes.

All Gums

Some day my baby will have teeth. But for now, we just adore his toothless grin.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

A Little Too Close

Nick wanted the up close view of Backyardigans. Back up a little, Nick! You'll lose your eye sight!

Learning to Share

This is my shaky ring!
Okay - I guess you can have it!

Favorite Activities

Nicholas has taken a real liking to books. He doesn't always know what side's up, though.
He also really enjoys being thrown around the living room by Daddy. It makes Mommy nervous, but what can you do when he has a grin on his face like that?

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

One Sock, Two Sock, Red Sock, Blue Sock

What's better than one sock for dinner?
Two socks, of course. Nicholas carried his sock around in his mouth for about a half hour the other night. It was soaking wet. Gross!

In the Cat House

Daddy put me up here. Mommy frieked out a little. Then she thought it was cute so she took a picture. This is where the cats live.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Muscle Man

Look at those Pecs!

Abby Rescued Us From the Ferocious Tiger

Strange Phenomenon

Nicholas learned how to eat with a spoon! If I place a small amount of vanilla ice cream on his spoon, he can pick it up and easily maneuver it into his month. Oddly enough, he is unable to duplicate the same task with oatmeal. Hmmm - strange indeed!

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Tub Time

Nicholas loves his new ducky tub that he got from Santa Claus.

Tonka Truck

Nick loves his big Tonka Truck.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Saturday, January 05, 2008

Cute Cousins

We had Holiday visitors! Here are my brother's three daughters, from left to right, Laya, Naomi & Ruth. How cute are they?!
I explained to Nicholas that he felt the way he'll always feel about girls: Fascinated and terrified, all at the same time!

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

13 Inches

We welcomed 2008 with 13 inches of snow. Yay!

Identical Cousins

Okay - so maybe not identical, but Alex and Nick looked cute in their matching sweaters.