Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Road Trip

Nick and I went to Midland for the day and visited some old friends. Shown here are Haley, Ben and Nicholas. I was Haley's nanny when she was just a newborn. Now she's almost 13!
Here's Nick with Ben, Haley, Sue and Sam!
While we were in Midland, we also stopped in to see the newest member of our extended family. Her big brother was enjoying his dinner when we came. I'm not sure what he thinks of his new baby sister, Addison, but I think she is absolutely beautiful!

Little Old Man Golf Cap

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Baby Blue

Nicholas is trying to learn to crawl. He pushes his butt up in the air and kicks his feet, but he just ends up going in a circle!

Taking a Walk

Sunday, September 16, 2007


Ramona loves to hold little Nicholas. Aren't they a couple of cuties?!Look at all these cousins lined up in a row! We enjoyed their visit, along with Aunt Lisa!


Nicholas and Niles are buddies! Brothers have to stick together, after all!

Monday, September 10, 2007


My Music Set

Nicholas loves music. He's learning how to make his own music with his drum and musical instrument set.

Red Wagon and Orange Tigers

Nick likes to ride around the house in his little red wagon with his three orange tigers. He goes fast!

Friday, September 07, 2007

Saturday, September 01, 2007


A Pistons fan, just like his mommy!


Nick sat in the grass for the first time. He liked it. He kept trying to pick it off the ground and kicking his legs around in it. He even spotted an ant crawling on his toes.

Catch a tiger by his tail