Monday, July 30, 2007

New Stuff I Can Do

Nick is a strong little boy. He can support his weight holding onto something.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Monday, July 23, 2007

My Mom Rocks

Great Grandma's Birthday

Great Grandma Carrier turned 84 this month. All 7 of her great-grandchildren were at her party, shown here from left to right: Maddy, Adam, Nicholas, Aaron, Andrew, Allison & Hannah. This was a hard shot to get - Hannah kept escaping! Below, Grandma is shown with her three children, MaryAnn, Carol, and Tim's dad, Don. It was a fun time had by all!

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Another Puppy

Adrienne has a puppy, too. Her name is Nala.


Nicholas enjoyed a sunny lounge with Chloe. She belongs to Jessica Nixon, who was visiting from out of town.

Chubby Clubby Baby

Naked Excercising

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Ahoy, Matey

Fountain Point Resort

We spent a few days at Fountain Point Resort with the Hirschfield Family. The main hotel, pictured here, was built in something like 1895. The lake was beautiful. It is the perfect vacation for kids. Teddy Hirschfield enjoyed fishing off the dock.


The Beach

Swing Down, Swing Up

Greg and Tracy's

We got to spend a little time with our friends, Greg and Tracy, in Traverse City. Here Nicholas is enjoying a lounge in the hammock with their two girls, Camryn and Parker. Nicholas really liked Mr. Greg, too. The pines trees are a view of their back yard. Isn't it cool?


Tim and I enjoyed a little adventure on our vacation. The resort we stayed at, Fountain Point, is in the background of Tim's picture.

Thursday, July 12, 2007


It is a rare occasion to catch Nick smiling on camera! Here he is, trying to figure out how to roll from his tummy to his back. He still hasn't figured it out!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Monday, July 09, 2007

Monday, July 02, 2007

Taking a Walk

Nicholas was fussing when we tried to put him in his infant carrier and Tim said, "I don't blame you Nick, this is one of those new fangled hippie things your mom likes." It was pretty funny.

Tummy Time